Golden west billiards table price
Golden west billiards table price

golden west billiards table price

There are only three companies left in the US making locally made tables.

golden west billiards table price

Honestly you should target three brands for used tables and don't be in a hurry you can get a great deal if your willing to wait a month or two. I bought a used 9ft AE Schmidt off FB marketplace for $300 bucks.

#Golden west billiards table price free

If both the rails and cloth are relatively new and in good condition though, feel free to keep it). Keep in mind you’re probably going to need to pug another ~1k in for moving, cloth, and new rail cushions (cushions need to be replaced every 15-30+ years since the natural rubber dries up/rots, and the moving process actually involves removing the cloth, which is probably the most time intensive process of taking apart and assembling table, so you may as well save yourself from paying twice for the same labor. $750 for something that looks that well taken care (which you’ll have to verify in person of course) of isn’t a spectacular deal, but it’s not a bad deal either. If I were to pick, I’d probably lean towards the golden west for sheer aesthetics, but I also wouldn’t mind waiting around for something I was more in love with otherwise. They’ve been out of business since the mid 90’s AFAIK, so this table will also be at least 30+ years old. I’ve also heard they can be kind of temperamental to set up and keep level. Their reputation however is a little more hit or miss with some people absolutely loving and being nostalgic for their commercial grade Gandy big “G” tables (of which this is not, this is a furniture grade table), and some people absolutely hating their play characteristics.

golden west billiards table price

Gandy is a more well known and widespread manufacturer. I don’t know how they play, but I hear they’re solidly constructed furniture grade tables. From a casual look it looks in fairly well taken care of for a 30-40+ year old table. Golden West was a local manufacturer originally out of Santa Ana CA, that then moved up to Oregon sometime in the mid 90’s. Both look in decent condition at a glance (though you’d probably want to inspect it in person to make sure there are no cracks anywhere in the wood legs and frame and look under the table to make sure that the slate pieces are intact.

Golden west billiards table price