The drink remains until either they finish it or the game ends. Duct tape a beer can (or any drink) to the player's dominant hand.

Person who drew the block takes another turn. Player who pulls the block recites a drinking toast.

The player who draws this Jenga block needs to talk like a Pirate until the end of the game. Switch up the order of play and go in the opposite direction. The player who draws this card must chug the rest of their beer. Every person in turn must say an item in the category without repeating anyone. Pick a category of things and go with it. The next person must rhyme the last word. The person who draws the block starts the rhyming with a lyric. Last person to put their thumb on the table or ground must drink. The person to the left or right of the person pushing out the block needs to drink. Person who drew the block gets to ask anyone in the game a non-dirty question of their choosing. Things like, "Make an animal sound when someone calls you by your first name" or "Recite lyrics to a certain song whenever a block is pulled" are always fun For those that don't know, the person who pushed out the block starts chugging and everyone in turn chugs until the person in front of them stops. Everyone takes a sip when you're doing a social. Give 1 sip, Give 2 sips, Give 3 sips, etc. It's the answer to the question, how do you make Jenga fun for adults? This is how. That's because there are 54 small wooden blocks in the classic set. There are 54 different opportunities to write a new suggestion when playing Drunk Jenga. And also, the willingness to follow the rules. Written by DP | Updated Drunk Jenga requires excellent dexterity to win. Because no matter whether the tower stands or topples, you're gonna end up drinking.